Personal Insurance
Personal Insurance Introduction
For someone that is in the state of North or South Carolina, Personal lines insurance covers individuals against loss resulting from loss of property, death or injury. Personal insurance lines make it possible to do things such as driving a car, owning a home, condo or rental, enjoying a boat ride, camping with family, or riding your motorcycle without risking financial ruin.

Automobile Insurance
Is not only great protection for your vehicle, it's also the law. All states require some degree of insurance for your vehicle to protect you and other motorists. Coverage requirements will vary based on your financial responsibility for your car and your state's requirements. When comparing quotes, it is important to make sure you are getting the same value. Often a policy that has a lower premium may have a higher deductible or less coverage. To get a true one-to-one comparison, review the details of each auto policy carefully to understand what it does-and does not-include. Once you have two policies with the same or similar coverages, you will have an accurate cost comparison.
Motorcycle Insurance
Can cover collision damage costs, medical payments, theft, covered natural disaster damages and more. Its more cost effective than you expect.

Home Insurance
Your home is the most important thing you own. so, it's extra-important to cover every risk with homeowner's insurance. Get the right policy and you will take care of the small and large risks related to owning a house at the same time. When comparing quotes, it is important to make sure you're getting the same value. Often a policy that has a lower premium may have a higher deductible or less coverage. To get a true one-to-one comparison, review the details of each auto policy carefully to understand what it does-and does not-include. Once you have two policies with the same or similar coverages, you will have an accurate cost comparison.
Manufactured Home Insurance
Insuring a manufactured or mobile home doesn't have to be complicated, whether you live there year-round or seasonally. In fact, there's not much difference between insuring site-constructed single family homes versus factory-built ones. A mobile or manufactured home policy provides coverage for your home, your personal belongings, and structures on the land you own for things like: Fire, Windstorm, Falling objects, Lightening, Explosion, Visitor injuries

Renters Insurance
If you live in a rented apartment, condominium or home, you need to protect yourself, your space and your stuff. It can cover, your belongings, personal liability, medical and liability, and loss of use.
Condo Insurance
Offers protection against fire and smoke damage, weather damage, theft and vandalism. It also covers additions you make to the inside of your residence. Find an affordable plan that can help cover you for liability, as well as pay for damages to your condo or belongings down the road.

Off-Road Insurance
Whether you have an (ATV) all-terrain vehicle, golf cart, go cart, dirt bike, or (UTV) utility vehicle, we can find coverage that protects you in the event of an accident or other causes of damage. It also covers bodily injury and damage to others' property if you are at fault in an accident. It can pay for legal expenses, as well as other people's medical costs and lost wages.
RV Insurance
Will often also include enhanced coverage for your personal possessions, meaning you can relax when taking those extra creature comforts and gadgets on a motorhome trip. Additionally, make sure to look for a camper insurance policy that covers theft as well as damage in a collision or fire. We are proud to insure RVs, motorhomes, travel trailers (including pop-ups) and campers.

Boat Insurance
Policies usually have two standard elements, one standard feature is insurance coverage for physical damage to the boat, whether that be from a collision, fire, severe weather, theft or vandalism. The other standard feature in a boat insurance policy is liability, meaning you are covered for damage you cause to other boats or people, along with the associated legal costs. Let us protect your fishing boat, sailboat, pontoon boat, ski surf boat or other recreational boat